Friday, June 29, 2012

Adobe Phothoshop 7 Portable

Adobe Phothoshop 7 Portable
Adobe Photoshop 7 Portable is powerful Graphic Editing software on any Computer you can Create exceptional imagery with easier access to file data; streamlined Web design; FASTER, professional-quality photo retouching; Adobe Photoshop 7 Portable is rounds out its comprehensive tool set with new capabilities to meet any creative or production demand and to handle the widest variety of image-editing tasks in the most efficient way. this edition is portable means you don't need to install, just double click on the adobe photoshop 7 portable icon it will open directly, so download and enjoy this powerful photo editing software.

Visually browse and retrieve images with enhanced file browser
Image-editing software for photographers, Web and graphic designers
Simulate painting techniques with painting engine
Runs native on Microsoft Windows XP
Liquefy distorting tool and pattern maker plug-in
Required Operating System:
Microsoft Windows 2000|Microsoft Windows 98|Microsoft Windows ME|Microsoft Windows NT 4.0|Microsoft Windows XP

Adobe Photoshop 7 Portable Edition Download
File Size : 33.30 MB

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