Friday, June 29, 2012

Youtube Downloader save2pc_light

Youtube Downloader save2pc_light

This is the very easy way to download Youtube videos . I tell you how to use youtube downloader you simply paste YouTube URL, then click one mouse. The software will download the video as FLV file very fast. You don't have to use any other download managers or other software’s, only one click YouTube Downloader uses its own fast download function. You can download videos as fast as you can imagine. YouTube is a powerful video search engine is also included. It's freeware without any limitation. Feel free to use and distribute this one fast. Conversion is similarly easy. Choose the downloaded file you want to convert, then choose the download format and click OK, and the work is done. You can convert to many different formats, including for the iPod, iPhone, cell phones, PlayStation Portable, as well as common PC formats including MPEG and Windows Media (.wmv). Given that all this is free.

Youtube Downloader save2pc_light
File Size : 2.77 MB

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